I found out 6 years ago about the weight reduction ability in bitter kola. If you’re asking, does bitter kola cause weight loss.
Yes bitter kola causes weight loss
Bitter kola is well-known for its abilities as both a natural appetite suppressant and an excellent thirst stimulant. As a result, it assists in the reduction of weight loss.
For the body to get rid of excess fat and remain healthy, it requires a reduced intake of food and a large intake of water. Bitter kola fulfills both of these requirements.
learn about the benefits of consuming bitter kola.

How Do Bitter Kola Reduce Weight
Table of Contents
ToggleThe mineral elements potassium and phosphorus were found in the greatest quantities in bitter kola (Garcinia kola seed )
Potassium helps your muscles recover after an exercise, and it also assists the body in flushing out excess water and salt, which reduces bloating. Both of these benefits contribute to potassium’s ability to flatten your stomach.
Find ways to get more of it because it’s not only important for your heart health but also your kidney health. Increasing your consumption of foods high in potassium may assist you in shedding excess water weight.
Phosphorus, which is also found in high concentrations in bitter kola, is one of the primary components that contributes to weight loss.
One of the minerals that may be found in your bones is called phosphorus.
Phosphorus, in addition to calcium, is required for the development of strong, healthy bones, in addition to its role in maintaining the health of other sections of the body.
Advantages Of Bitter Kola For Weight Loss
Everyone’s ambition (men and women) is to have a flat stomach and a decent physical shape as well as form.
Having your stomach bulge in public or gaining weight might be an embarrassment.
The unwanted weight may have altered your physique, making you feel so every time you go out, you feel uneasy.
All of your diet-cutting efforts appear futile, as you constantly find yourself eating.
You may have gained much weight if you dislike going to the gym.
If you’ve tried weight-loss pills, but none appear to work, don’t worry because bitter kola does.
Your weight loss is our goal, and we are here to help! What can bitter kola do to help you lose weight?
Bitter Kola Increases Your Desire For Water
Do you know that drinking enough daily aids in proper digestion? one
One of the reasons for belly fat is incorrectly digested food in your stomach resulting in undesirable belly fat
The more bitter kola you ingest and drink, the better it is for you to drink water.
Water ensures that your food is digested correctly, resulting in weight loss in your stomach.
By eating bitter kola, you won’t have to worry about excess belly fat anymore.
Bitter Kola Is An Appetite Suppressant.
Overeating is a major (if not the primary) cause of weight gain. It would be best for you to drink more water as you drink and eat more bitter kola.
What does it imply that bitter kola is a natural appetite suppressant?
Some folks overeat since they are always hungry; consuming bitter kola will keep you full with no feeling to feed, keeping you in shape and healthy.
So, this is how bitter kola helps you lose that pesky weight and belly fat, and it’s natural.
Try it; it’s 100% natural and effective!
Weight Loss And Bitter Kola
Do you want to get rid of a couple of excess kilograms? Are you having difficulty sticking to a diet plan?
Try including bitter kola nuts into your diet meals for an excellent weight loss result. How is this even possible?
The bitter nuts might make you hungry. This means you’ll feel less hungry and eat less.
Furthermore, this natural substance increases your thirst. This means drinking more clear water throughout the day, and we all know how crucial it is to drink 1.5-2 liters of water every day.
Water increases metabolism and aids in weight loss and maintenance.
The natural power of bitter kola solves two problems that many of us face when trying to lose weight: it causes a decrease in appetite and an increase in thirst.
These two elements can play an essential role in your diet and assist you in becoming slim and healthy.
What Are the Health Benefits of Bitter Kola Nuts
It is a plant with solid tonic qualities. It increases physical strength, stimulates the heart, and calms the central nervous system.
Water, cellulose, carbohydrates, tannins, protein, lipids, caffeine, essential oils, and a trace of glycoside Kolatina and theobromine are all found in fresh kola seeds.
The stimulating activity of bitter r kola nuts as a natural sedative is determined by combining caffeine and theobromine from Kolatina.
Bitter kola nut extract is used in medicine in both dry and liquid forms, as well as as a tincture. There are also tonic pills.
Skiers, climbers, and hikers use chocolate with ground bitter kola nuts as a tonic.
For many years, Europeans dismissed claims about the magical virtues of bitter kola nut as just colonial folklore.
They only began to take this fruit seriously until a French army lieutenant colonel detailed the fantastic capabilities of exotic fruit in a report to his superiors.
He said that while ascending Kang, he had consumed powdered bitter kola nuts, which enabled him to continue without pause or exhaustion for 12 hours.
This finding prompted a thorough investigation of uncommon flora.
Eating Bitter Kola for Weight Loss
Because of its high caffeine concentration, bitter kola nut may be described as a one-of-a-kind energy booster.
European explorers in the 16th century recorded the unusual properties of this nut, which could not only suppress the sense of hunger but also cure exhaustion and provide a charge of vivacity for an extended period.
Travelers observed the Indians munching this nut ceaselessly. It aided in weight loss and eating much less.
Indeed, studies have shown that the chemicals found in the nut can boost brain function and focus, which is especially vital before a test or laborious task.
Bitter kola aids with cognitive clarity and also assists in the removal of weariness and drowsiness.
People from equatorial Africa could walk around 80 kilometers a day under the hot sun if they chewed only one grain of bitter cola nut.
The indigenous believe that the life-giving nut may relieve thirst, purify water, replace meat, boost potency, detoxify after excessive alcohol intake, and help you lose weight.
However, not everyone is as attached to bitter kola nuts. Others consider it a health risk because individuals are continuously becoming used to eating nuts, thus abandoning conventional food.
According to recent research, the bitter kola nut can help alleviate functional diarrhea (occurring in the nervous system).
For over a thousand years, certain African tribes have chewed a bit of the nut before each meal to promote digestion.
Caffeine is a component of the bitter kola nut that aids with hunger control and digestion. It eventually leads to weight reduction.
It increases metabolism and charges the body with energy over time. It is also without food. It appears to be a miracle!
The Potential Side Effects of Bitter Kola Nuts.
Over consumption of bitter kola can cause the following symptoms:
Heartburn, nausea, and vomiting due to increased stomach acid production
Sleepiness due to nervous system excitation
High blood pressure
Kola nuts are consumed both fresh and dried.
They were historically used to improve physical strength during lengthy multi-day travels, as well as to suppress hunger and activate all of the body’s essential processes.
Although a moderate quantity of bitter kola nut is healthy, excessive and, long-term consumption can lead to addiction, anxiety, and sleeplessness due to caffeine content.
Bitter kola can help you lose weight, but don’t forget to consume other nutritious foods like low-fat meat, yogurt, veggies, and fruit.
Otherwise, you may lose weight while developing a slew of health issues.
Is It Possible to Utilize Bitter Kola Nut as A Stimulant
Bitter kola is a good stimulant. As you may know, caffeine is a central nervous system activator that can reduce exhaustion and fatigue while increasing your capacity to focus.
The bitter kola nut has a very stimulating impact; in the West, caffeine is widely consumed in goods such as coffee, chocolate, tea, and, most notably, energy drinks.
The caffeine content of bitter kola nuts is indicated in the following lines. A bitter kola nut has up to four times the caffeine of a small cup of coffee.
We discovered that 5% of a 1g bitter kola nut contains caffeine.
Cola nitida and cola acuminata also contain theobromine, an alkaloid similar to caffeine but with a lower potency.
However, when combined with coffee, it amplifies the effects. It was once eaten whole by biting into the fruit, but it is currently used in extracts for energy drinks and can also be ingested as a powder.
Final Thoughts
Bitter kola will assist you in losing weight and reduce abdominal fat.
Come to think of it you’ve undoubtedly unwittingly ingested bitter kola nut in some way or another throughout your life, particularly in energy drinks.
Caffeine is synonymous with coffee, the most often consumed beverage.
Bitter kola is what most companies use to introduce caffine to their products.
There may be a temptation about the consumption, since we all want the weight off us.
Always eat in moderation due to the significant side effects.