Am I to eat bitter kola every day? Yes, Is it OK to eat bitter kola every day.
Just the quantity of consumption needs to be checked to avoid overeating.
The bitter kola tree is one of the most treasured plants in the country. It has consistently been utilized to solve numerous health conditions.
The best part is that it occurs naturally, is easily accessible, and does not require several processes to be consumed.
However, too much ingestion of something, even bitter kola, can be hazardous to a person’s health.
Do you think about how much bitter kola you should drink in a day? First, let us understand bitter kola health advantages.
This bitter kola dosage is enough to refill your energy and boost your health.
Find out where bitter kola is found

When Should Bitter Kola Be Eaten
Table of Contents
ToggleIt does not matter if bitter kola is eaten in the night or in the morning, it benefits a man and woman.
Bitter kola, like several other nuts, may be consumed raw. But please remember that it’s named “bitter” for a reason.
Bitter kola seeds are white and can be used right away or completely dried so they can be used or sold later.
The bitter kola nuts are swallowed at any time of day for instant intake.
Eating bitter kola, drinking steeped bitter water, or combining bitter kola with watermelon seeds has been shown to help treat premature ejaculation, fast ejaculation, increase libido, fertility, sperm count, sexual stamina, and make a guy last much longer in bed.
However, bitter kola has been discovered to be an excellent eye treatment. When bitter kola is consumed at least twice a day, it has been shown to successfully relieve ocular pressure.
People are advised to eat two bitter kola nuts every day. This dose of bitter kola is sufficient to replenish your energy and boost your health.
Eat two bitter kola nuts every day to live a healthy life in a natural way. Your medical appointments will almost certainly reduce.
What Is The Effect Of Overeating Bitter Kola
Bitter kola has several drawbacks, as you may be aware. However, if you overeat bitter kola, it might have negative consequences.
Let’s see some of these adverse effects!
1. The first effect of too much consumption of bitter kola is mouth irritation. The taste of bitter kola is not sweet or inviting; hence consuming a lot of it may cause oral discomfort.
2. People with diabetes should avoid using bitter kola. The little amount of caffeine in bitter kola also contributes to this adverse effect.
Caffeine might cause an imbalance in your body’s sugar levels. Therefore it’s best to be cautious when consuming bitter kola.
3. Bitter kola might make diarrhea worse. If you have diarrhea and are eating a lot of nuts, you risk making things worse. Therefore eat with caution.
4. It is known that bitter kola reduces the rate at which blood clots. If a large amount of the substance is consumed, it might cause difficulties with blood coagulation.
Bitter kola might make bleeding worse if taken by someone already suffering from it. Bitter kola should be avoided after surgery as well.
5. It’s possible that consuming bitter kola might trigger anxiety. If you suffer from stress and anxiety, steer clear of this product.
Some of the nuts’ constituents can produce a psychologically disturbed state.
Now that I have presented the effects, Let’s see how to consume bitter kola.
How Do I Consume Bitter Kola
The African kola tree contains enormous, lumpy fruit called kola nuts. They are interwoven into different spiritual and cultural rites in West African societies, but they are also prized as unique culinary nuts.
Bitter kola is essentially flavorless, but the caffeine-rich nuts have a bitter aftertaste that leaves your tongue rejuvenated and cleansed.
Although raw bitter kola needs to be somewhat prepared before eating, they are frequently processed into powders or tinctures.
Bitter Kola Chewing:
- Put on your cutting gloves. When you break open the kola pods, kitchen cutting gloves will prevent knife cuts on your hands.
- Place the kola pod on a chopping board with the seam facing up.
- Against the seam of the pod, place the knife’s blade. Adjust the blade’s angle such that the cutting edge pierces the seam of the pod.
- Adjust the knife’s level, so the blade is parallel to the seam. To disassemble the pod, drive the blade back and forth into the seam.
- You should eat about two to four seeds a day.
- Chew the seeds while pressing the seed pulp against your cheek and gums.
- Avoid swallowing the seeds. Ten minutes after beginning to chew the seeds, spit out the pulp.
Is Bitter Kola Good For Health
Yes. Bitter kola extract effectively treats a wide range of ailments and disorders. Bitter kola advantages include:
To begin, bitter kola is beneficial for treating men who have erectile dysfunction.
It is claimed that the ingredients in bitter kola make blood flow to the critical parts of males easier, making it more straightforward for them to erect themselves.
Additionally, it improves their ability to function sexually. If a man wishes to liven up his sexual life, Bitter Kola is an excellent choice for him to try.
Bitter kola effectively reduces the severity of morning sickness experienced by pregnant women during the first trimester of their pregnancies.
On the other hand, they should only be used in moderation and under the supervision of a medical professional.
Bitter kola is used to treat respiratory infections in the lungs, and it also improves the performance of the lungs.
Bitter kola can also treat coughs, sneezes, and cold symptoms like sneezing and coughing. One further advantage of bitter kola is its effective treatment of malaria.
Traditional healers commonly recommended bitter kola in the past as a remedy for the treatment of malaria. Quinine, which is found in bitter kola, is an essential component in the treatment of malaria.
Bitter kola has been shown to increase a person’s lifespan.
It has several health advantages that make it unlikely for a person ever to develop one of several fatal diseases if they take it regularly.
Bitter kola aid sexually, and it is also an anti-poison.
This eliminates the risk of any illness spreading further or possibly death occurring. Bitter kola has also been shown to be effective for weight loss.
The body’s metabolism speeds up once it has taken the substance in question.
In addition, it suppresses appetite, allowing a person to eat just when it is essential while preventing them from overeating.
Therefore, one who engages in physical activity should take bitter kola to achieve the finest possible effects. Bitter kola has antibacterial properties when consumed.
As a result of this, it is capable of treating a wide variety of illnesses.
It is recommended that people living with HIV/AIDS increase their use of bitter kola since it assists in the battle against opportunistic infections.
What Is The Benefit Of Eating Bitter Kola In The Morning
From the common cold to hepatitis, bitter kola has long been utilized as a natural antibiotic. Coughs, bacterial infections, and viral infections can all be alleviated by drinking bitter kola.
When an illness begins, drinking a cup of bitter kola may help you fight the infection and get healthy more rapidly.
Bitter kola is proven for a long time to help with a lot about health, from a cold to hepatitis.
According to research from 2018, bitter kola can help with coughs, bacterial infections, and viral infections.
When an illness begins, eating bitter kola may help fight the infection and make you feel better faster.
If left untreated, it might result in irreversible blindness. However, bitter kola has been discovered to be an excellent eye treatment.
When bitter kola is consumed at least twice a day, it has been shown to successfully relieve ocular pressure.
Bitter kola has traditionally been used to cure liver ailments, sore throats, coughs, bacterial infections, and as an aphrodisiac.
Many recent research has offered scientific proof that the adage “a bitter kola a day keeps the doctor away” is genuine.
Can I Soak Bitter Kola In Water
Bitter kola can be soaked in water before consumption to increase its potency.
Soak Bitter Kola in coconut water for two days. Bitter kola is highly beneficial to your health;
- it stimulates your sex drive,
- boosts libido in both males and females, and regulates ovulation.
- Bitter kola does not fulfil its traditional function.
- It may be utilized to cure many disorders.
Every component of the plant, including the seeds, stem, and leaves, has therapeutic significance in folkloric medicine, including the capacity to assist battle bacterial and viral infections.
The plant is appropriately named in terms of taste! The eatable seeds have a well-defined bitterness and a faint sweetness to them.
When consumed, bitter kola contains a multitude of nutrients, including carbohydrates, lipids, protein, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, iron, and caffeine,
Bitter kola can benefit your body in various ways, but it essentially boosts functions related to conception and reproduction.
Added advantages of bitter kola steeped in water:
- It assists in the treatment of respiratory ailments.
- Helps decrease abdominal fat.
- It aids in the struggle against pain in various places of the body.
- Supports the treatment of diabetic Mellitus.
- It aids the prevention of tumorous cells and growths in men’s prostate glands.
- It benefits persons who have asthma in getting respite.
- It helps reduce blood sugar levels.
- Bitter kola is steeped in water for three days; you might use it to cure difficulties linked to male fertility, menstruation, and genital yeast problems.
Bitter Kola seeds are bitter and nut-like. They do, however, supply a lot of vitamins, proteins, and iron, as well as a little level of caffeine.
Now that we answered, Am I to eat bitter kola every day, we still have to lookout for the daily consumption.
Do not forget you should not have more than two nuts of bitter kola is discouraged. Consumption of the product should be kept at a reasonable level to avoid specific health concerns.
The beneficial properties of these nuts are common knowledge to many individuals. It can occasionally become a justification for its misuse when the potential for issues to arise.