There are different types of snails but what type of snail is escargot and where did it originate from?
If you are new to the various dishes of the French people, you might be prompted to ask what type of snail is escargot.
Escargot means snail in the French language. Though it originated from France, the delicacy has spread to several continents and countries of the world.
Check out the most beautiful snails in the world
What Exactly Is Escargot
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ToggleTo know what type of Snail is Escargot, we need to understand the term Escargot. It is derived from the French word for snail. It usually refers to the cooked ready-to-eat land snail.
Escargots are served as an appetizer and are prevalent in France and the Catalan region of Spain. The term Escargot is sometimes used to refer to living snails of those species that are commonly eaten.
It is commonly served as an hors d’oeuvre (a small portion of food served before the main course of a meal) and is popular in France and India (particularly among the Naga people).
Find out If snails are good or bad for consumption
What Is The Origin Of Escargots
Although Helix aspersa and pomatia are native to different parts of Europe, all the major edible snail species thrive in the Alps wilderness in Eastern France.
Escargots are frequently seen sliding through the French countryside in search of food after heavy rains.
The harvesters of escargot collect snails in the fall and early winter months when they are bulking up to survive colder temperatures.
Unlike snail farms, where escargots are grown in artificial ecosystems, each escargot from this region is hand-picked.
These French snails are all collected in the wild, placed in baskets, and transported to the processing facility.
Unbelievable!! See where the Giant African snail came from
How Are Escargots Processed
Snails are inspected, washed, and separated by species after they arrive at the production facility. Each mollusk type’s harvest is assigned a lot number.
Each lot is removed from its shells to remove contaminants, and the meat is flash boiled in jacketed steam kettles.
The snails are then calibrated using cutting-edge machines and human observation, measuring weight and uniformity to ensure that the correct size snails are used to produce large and extra-large escargot products.
The calibrated meats are cooked separately in vats of aromatic “court bouillon” broth (water, salt, turmeric, and coriander).
The large and extra-large snails are pasteurized and packaged in tins with the broth, while the smaller meats are placed back in the shell with a homemade garlic herb butter paste.
Although escargot producers sell the shells empty or with the home-prepared meat and garlic butter spread, the containers of larger meats with broth account for most of their production value.
Each tin contains only one snail species and can hold 12 portions for retail use or 72 bits for bulk and restaurant use.
These are the health benefits of Edible snails
Land Snails as Food, Escargots
Land snails are a common ingredient in European cuisine. It’s no secret that many people enjoy eating snails as an appetizer or a main course.
There are many popular cooking recipes for them, and many people cook them at home. Such dishes are also typical in many high-end restaurants.
Snails are common in France, and the word “escargot” means “snail.” Snails are cooked in their shells with garlic and parsley butter, seasoning, and served. Since it is considered a delicacy, they are costly.
Snails are commonly eaten in Greece and Italy, and they are sometimes used in sauces and poured over various types of pasta. Other countries, such as Spain, Portugal, and Germany, consume them as well.
Escargots have a sizable market in the United States, where they are typically imported from various countries. Many of the recipes in some restaurants are similar to those in European restaurants.
Eating snails are thought to have arrived in the United States in the 1850s (California). Whether it was because of immigrants or consumers, some of them managed to get away and quickly spread across the country.
Later, some people began to farm snails to sell them. Some California farmers were selling them at the market alongside their fruits and vegetables.
Wild snails, on the other hand, can carry deadly diseases. As a result, regulations for selling and farming them in the United States were established to avoid improper handling.
When prepared as a meal, snails are known as escargot.
Every year, millions of snails are consumed around the world. It’s even been designated as a national holiday! National Escargot Day is celebrated on May 24th.
Here are all the nutritional benefits of snails in our diets
Escargot Preparation In Different Parts Of The World
Escargots can be prepared in various ways, especially with gastronomy evolving at such a rapid pace.
In France, the snails are traditionally purged, killed, and removed from their shells before being cooked in garlic butter, chicken stock, or wine and then placed back into the shells with the butter and sauce for serving.
Typically, special tongs for holding the shell and forks for extracting the meat are provided. Escargot is served on indented metal trays with six or twelve snails per tray.
Chefs experiment with various other ingredients such as garlic, thyme, pine nuts, mint, and parsley. Escargots can also be used in sauces and salads or as a side dish or dessert.
In Cretan cuisine, the snails are boiled in white wine with bay leaves, celery, and onion before being coated in flour and fried with rosemary and vinegar.
In Maltese cuisine, snails (Maltese: bebbux) of the petit-gris variety are simmered in red wine or ale with mint, basil, and marjoram. Cooked snails are served in their shells.
Snails are prepared in Nagaland with axone and pork meat, particularly fats.
Snails, also known as “Ghlal,” are popular street food in Moroccan cuisine. They are prepared in a jar containing hot water, unique spices, and herbs.
Moroccan snails are served hot in small bowls with broth after they have been cooked.
Moroccan snails are primarily consumed during the winter because they are beneficial to health, mainly when dealing with the common cold or rheumatism.
These are some African Giant Snail Recipes for your taste enjoyment.
Is There Any Risk in Escargot preparation
Although land snail consumption is typical in gastronomy and is part of some regions’ culture, it is essential to note that these animals can carry a variety of parasites, primarily nematodes.
The parasites can affect the human body and cause fatal conditions if not properly cleaned or cooked.
Land snails should be handled and cooked with extreme caution to avoid any health issues.
Avoid eating them if you are unsure of their species, origin, or handling.
The most frequent variety of snail eaten is the garden species. If you have snails in your yard, do not try to trap them and prepare yourself since wild snails can contain a parasite that causes meningitis and other ailments.
Chefs cleanse snails by fasting them for three days on just water, followed by a week of feeding them wheat and water before frying them.
Following that, they will most likely cook them according to one of the previously mentioned recipes.
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Escargots Nutrition Value
Escargots are a healthy meal because they are high in protein and low in fat. According to popular belief, escargots are 80 percent water, 15 percent protein, and 2.4 percent fat.
Raw snails have the following nutritional value (per 100 grams):
- 79 g of water
- 16-gram protein
- 2 grams-Carbohydrates
- 1 gram of fat
- 250 mg Magnesium
- 170 mg calcium
- 3.5 mg iron
- 80.5 kcal7kJ of energy
Snails are also high in vitamin A, vitamin B-12, and vitamin B-6.
What’s excellent about snails is that their eggs are considered a delicacy in addition to their meat and shells. Snail eggs harvested and processed into caviar are becoming increasingly popular.
With its neutral and earthy flavor, snail caviar is considered very special and is highly valued by consumers.
Here are all the nutritional benefits of snails in our diets
What Are The Health Advantages Of Escargot
Escargot, either field or garden snails, is quick to prepare, versatile, and tasty. They are available both fresh and canned.
Escargot is traditionally served with garlic butter when cooked. Even so, by replacing all or part of the butter with olive oil, you can maximize the health benefits while significantly reducing the fat content.
Advantages of Losing Weight
People who get about 30% of their daily calories from low-fat, protein-rich sources eat fewer calories overall, feel full, and successfully lose weight.
Escargot is high in protein, containing nearly 14 grams per 3-ounce serving, or 25% of a man’s daily protein requirement and 30% of a woman’s.
You can get this protein with very little fat by eating escargot, with only 1.2 grams total fat and 0.3 grams of saturated fat per 3-ounce serving.
Cardiovascular Advantages
Escargot contains 212 milligrams of magnesium per 3-ounce serving. This amount corresponds to 53% of a man’s daily requirement for the mineral and 68% of a woman’s recommended daily allowance.
Getting enough magnesium may also help keep your blood pressure low, lowering your risk of cardiovascular problems even further.
Advantages for the Eyes
Adults require 15 milligrams of vitamin E per day. Escargot has 4.2 milligrams of vitamin E per 3-ounce serving, 28 percent of the daily value.
Vitamin E, along with high doses of vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotenoids like beta-carotene, may help you avoid age-related macular degeneration.”
People with uvea inflammation, which affects one of the layers of the eye, may benefit from vitamin E-rich foods like escargot.
Immune Advantages
Escargot is high in selenium, with 23.3 micrograms of the mineral in every 3-ounce serving, accounting for 42 percent of an adult’s recommended daily allowance.
Selenium promotes the formation of white blood cells, which may help to prevent infections.
Escargot is also high in vitamin B-12, accounting for nearly 18% of an adult’s daily requirement. Vitamin B-12 is required for your body to produce S- adenosyl methionine, a compound necessary for your immune system to function correctly.
Which Countries Consume The Greatest Number Of Snails
While some people still consider snails pests and cannot imagine eating them, others enjoy this delicacy and never exclude it from their diet.
There are some countries where eating escargots is deeply ingrained in the culture and has a long history.
The top consumer countries are France, Spain, Italy, the United States, and Australia.
Escargot Recipes You Should Try Out
Bourgogne escargots
Escargots de Bourgogne Is a type of Snail in French. It is the most widely used worldwide recipe for preparing escargots from the French region of Burgundy.
The snails used in this recipe are referred to as ‘Burgundy snails.’ It is the Helix pomatia snail, also known as the Roman snail or Apple snail.
This dish is almost as well-known as escargots itself. Garlic, herbs, and butter are the main ingredients. What a delectable combination of snails, herbs, butter, and freshly baked crusty bread.
Bourgogne Escargot – Escargot à la Bourguignonne
Servings: 4 portions
Preparation Time: 30 minutes total
- One garlic clove, small
- One stick (1/2 cup) softened unsalted butter.
- 1 1/2 teaspoons shallot, finely minced
- One tablespoon fresh flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped.
- 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 3/8 teaspoon salt, table
- One tablespoon white wine, dry
- 12 to 16 snails
- 2 tbsp kosher salt (for stabilizing snail shells)
- 12 to 16 escargot shells, sterilized*
- Fresh-baked bread
- Preheat the oven to 230 °C before preparing the snails.
- Cut the garlic and mash it to make a paste. Then, to the paste, add 1/8 teaspoon table salt.
- Combine the butter, garlic paste, parsley, shallot, 1/4 teaspoon table salt, and pepper in a small mixing bowl. In an electric mixer, combine all of the ingredients and beat until smooth. Stir in the wine until it is thoroughly combined.
- Fill half of the empty snail shells with the butter mixture. Fill each shell with one snail and top with the remaining butter mixture.
- Shells should be placed in a shallow baking dish with kosher salt evenly distributed. The shells will not roll over as a result of this.
- Bake for 4–6 minutes, or until the butter is melted and sizzling.
Is It Common To Eat Escargot With Slugs
What Type of Snail is Escargot? In French, escargot means snail, so no; if you eat slugs, you’re eating les limaces (slug), not les escargots.
But this raises two more questions: do people eat slugs, and if so, are they bred for human consumption?
Technically, all land snails and slugs are edible.
The contents of their stomachs are the most dangerous part of all of them, so you don’t want to eat any gastropods that have been sliming around eating who knows what, because some of that who knows could very quickly be poisonous what.
The snails must be purged for several days to remove the foul-tasting and potentially toxic gut contents and replace them with something like cornmeal or carrots.
That still won’t kill the many dangerous pathogens that the little squishy goobers carry, so the snails must be thoroughly cooked before they go into anyone’s mouth.
Do You Cook Escargots While They’re Still Alive
Yes, snails are cooked while they are conscious and alive. Before this, some are tortured with salt to remove their slime.
Others are slightly more fortunate and are cooked while in a state of long-term rest, but because they have locked themselves inside their shells, there is no telling how conscious they are.
When you see snails being boiled, you will notice gruesome things like that most of them are dead, and some are still alive, badly scolded, clinging to dear life while holding on to the pot’s lid.
What Is The Flavor And Texture Of Escargot
The type of Snail called Escargot in French is like a very soft suede overlaid on a firm shrimp or mushroom. That’s how it feels.
It also depends on the species and how long they are cooked.
In most cases, escargot can taste like nothing more than garlic, spices, and herbs. In a lot of uninspired butter, with cheese on top.
Final Thought
Now we know What Type of Snail is Escargot. It is the French name for snail, and it is a dish made from snails that is popular in several European nations such as France, Spain, and Portugal.
This delicious French meal is created from cooked land snails and is typically served with a garlic butter sauce.
You may taste it and experience the joys of this recipe as It has several health benefits and is suitable for all with its nutritious value is appropriate to the demands of your body.
However, preparing escargot at home will require a lot of care in snail selection and cooking. When escargot is not well cooked, it poses a lot of health challenges.
With what we learnt about the type of Snail called Escargot, I recommend you try out this recipe today using the Giant African Snail.
I recommend you get dried-freeze Giant African Land snail for healthy snails.