Should You Give Red Palm Oil a Try?: 5 Reasons Why the Answer Is Yes!

red palm oil

If you look at the label on some of your favorite foods, palm oil may be on the list. That includes margarine, ice cream, instant noodles, and cookies. 

Red palm oil is a bit different and may have more health benefits than the traditional kind. It may not be available in many prepared foods, but you can stock it in your kitchen and use it when you cook. 

As implied by the name, red palm oil has a red coloring that sets it apart from other cooking oils. There are many reasons why you should try cooking with red palm oil. 

Read on to find out the best reasons to give it a try in your kitchen today. 

What is Red Palm Oil?

Before you learn more about the benefits of red palm oil, it pays to understand more about what it is. 

So, what is red palm oil? It’s a less refined version of traditional palm oil and comes from palm oil trees that are native to Southwest Africa. The oil is extracted from both the pulp and the kernel of the fruit of the palm oil tree.

It’s commonly used in many African dishes, both for its flavor and its health benefits. 

You might be wondering where to buy red palm oil. You can find it on some supermarket shelves since it’s becoming more popular as a healthy cooking oil. It’s also available online. The less processing it undergoes, the better. 

What makes it so great? Find out below. 

1. Boosts Heart Health

When you choose oil for cooking or when you’re reading ingredient lists, it’s important to choose those that have health benefits. 

You may have heard of heart-healthy fats, which protect your heart and help prevent cardiovascular issues. Red palm oil is one such oil.

It contains antioxidants, including carotenoids and vitamin E. These nutrients help neutralize free radicals and protect the cells in your body from many health concerns, including heart disease. 

Specifically, red palm oil may help prevent the narrowing of blood vessels. This improves blood flow to and from the heart, helping it function as it should. It may also help reduce cholesterol levels.

2. Supports a Healthy Brain

For many people, cognition declines with age. Choosing the right foods can help slow this process and preserve your brain health. Choosing red palm oil is one way to do so. 

Again, this is due to its vitamin E content. Vitamin E has been linked to a lower risk of dementia and may even boost cognition in people of all ages. 

Combining the oil from red palms with other brain-boosting foods offers protection now and in the future. That includes leafy greens, blueberries, and salmon. 

3. Enhances Vision

As with many parts of your body, the eyes tend to decrease in function as you get older. Age increases the risk of macular degeneration, poor eyesight, and other vision problems. 

One of the many health benefits of red palm oil is its effect on your eyesight. The oil may help your body absorb adequate amounts of vitamin A, a nutrient that is essential for your eyes. 

If you have a health condition that makes it difficult to absorb vitamin A, such as cystic fibrosis, adding palm oil to your meal plan can help.

That’s because vitamin A plays a role in preventing macular degeneration and helps preserve eyesight as you age. Ensuring you get enough is vital and using oils to help with absorption is an easy way to do so. 

4. Improves Your Skin and Hair

You can attribute the skin and hair benefits of red palm oil to its vitamin E content, much like several of the other perks on this list. Vitamin E is essential for supple, strong, and healthy skin and hair.

A deficiency can lead to dry skin, certain skin conditions, brittle hair, and hair thinning. Studies have found that vitamin E can treat psoriasis, acne, scars, pressure wounds, and skin ulcers.

You can’t rely on it alone, but cooking with red palm oil is a good way to increase your vitamin E intake. Combine it with other foods high in vitamin E for the best results. Try almonds, butternut squash, and avocado. 

5. Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation can occur for many reasons and is sometimes involved in the healing process. However, chronic inflammation is associated with a whole host of health concerns. 

That includes the build-up of plaque in your heart, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, diabetes, asthma, obesity, and arthritis. 

Red palm oil can help battle inflammation due to its antioxidant content. As mentioned above, antioxidants neutralize free radicals that alter your cellular structure, leading to health problems. 

As part of a healthy diet, red palm oil has the potential to keep inflammation in your body under control. Combine it with other foods high in antioxidants, such as berries, dark chocolate, turmeric, and ginger. 

Cooking with Red Palm Oil

Before getting started, it’s best to understand how to cook with red palm oil. It has a stronger flavor than other oils and is best suited for specific purposes in your kitchen. 

It has a high smoke point, which makes it ideal for frying and sauteeing. It works well with both vegetables and meat, including chicken, beef, and pork. It also lends a tasty flavor to seafood.

Keep in mind that frying increases the fat and calorie content of your meals. Be sure to balance it with other healthy choices to keep your intake under control. 

Refrigerating red palm oil is not necessary, but could extend its shelf life. It should always be kept in a cool, dark location to keep it fresh. 

What’s Next

So you’re ready to try using red palm oil in your kitchen? Congratulations on making a healthy choice for yourself and your family. 

We encourage you to make the oil part of your healthy meal plan by combining it with other nutritious foods. Stocking your pantry with a variety of foods covers all of your vitamin and mineral needs. 

Before you go, check out all of our healthy food products and recipes. 

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