Yes, cassava flour is allowed on the paleo diet. The properties of cassava flour is favored on a paleo diet, and cassava flour product like JebFood cassava flour is paleo satisfied.
The Paleo diet requires that we have only foods that humans ate when we first roamed the planet 2.5 million years ago.
The diet improves your health by limiting high-fat and processed foods with little nutritional value and too many calories from your diet by avoiding modern-day foods such as highly processed carbohydrates and dairy.
This diet emphasizes eating fruits and vegetables high in vitamins, minerals, and fibre, filling you up faster, causing you to eat less, preventing weight gain.
Your body system will reset, helping you shed excess weight because restricting entire food groups reduces your calorie intake.
This article will show you how and why this high-carb underground tuber rank tops among paleo flours.
What Are Paleo Flours
Table of Contents
TogglePaleo flours are grain-free, legume-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, and otherwise unadulterated gluten-free.
cassava flour is paleo certified hence, it is allowed on the diet. So you are the judge of the best option, depending on what you want to do with it.
You can find below the most popular paleo flours and starches I recommend you stock up.
- Cassava Flour
- Coconut Flour
- Almond Flour
- Unripe Plantain Flour
- Tigernut Flour
- Hazelnut Flour
- Tapioca Starch
- Arrowroot Starch
If you only have three Paleo flours to choose from, I recommend cassava, almond, and tapioca.
These three will allow you to make most Paleo recipes, with one or more of them occasionally substituted for the other Paleo flours in a pinch for allergy purposes or personal taste preferences.
Let me recommend for you Jeb Foods Gluten-free, Grain-free, Nut-free Cassava Flour
Is Cassava Flour Healthy
Cassava, an edible tuberous root commonly used to make flour, is healthy if you allow it to pass through the proper steps to get its flour.
Cassava contains Cyanogenic Glycosides that cause fatal cyanide poisoning if not adequately detoxified before consuming it.
The cassava tuber must be washed, fermented to remove the toxic properties (cyanide), heated and aired to get a healthy flour.
See if you are allergic to flour and which one are you to

Why Is Cassava Flour Considered Paleo
Cassava, a starchy root vegetable, is considered paleo because it is gluten-free, grain-free, and nut-free. It has high resistant fibre, which means it is not a simple sugar, and it has anti-inflammatory properties.
In addition to this, what keeps cassava flour no. 1 among paleo flours is that it is also AIP approved and the closest in texture and properties to the regular all-purpose flour.
The process of making cassava flour eliminates the toxins, making this flour very edible. Furthermore, despite being resistant starch, cassava has a digestion rate of around 75% when cooked, making it gentle on the digestive tract.
Why Is Cassava Flour Considered One Of The Best Paleo Flours
It’s one of the best wheat flour substitutes. What it lacks in nutrition, containing only trace amounts of minerals and vitamins like phosphorous, calcium, and vitamin C, makes up for its versatility and ease of use in many baked goods.
The protein in wheat gives the dough its elasticity, and while cassava flour will not produce the same results, cookies, cakes, and bread will have a good texture and flavour. If you enjoy grain-based foods on the paleo diet, this is a must-have flour.
However, paleo flours still give excellent baked goods when more than 1 gluten-free flour are combined to make a flour mix.
Gluten-free baked goods will be so outstanding that you can’t even tell the difference from regular plain flour baked goods.
How Can I Replace Wheat Flour With My Cassava Flour
In most recipes, a 1:1 substitution will suffice. Remember that it is not a low-carb substitute for flour; each 100-gram serving contains nearly 40 grams of carbohydrates!
Does Cassava Have Antinutrients
Antinutrients are compounds found in crop plants that prevent the human body from absorbing nutrients.
The most critical antinutrient in cassava is cyanogenic glycosides, also found in almonds and spinach!
They play an essential role in plant defense mechanisms against herbivory and resistance to pests and diseases.
Examples of antinutrients are phytate, fibre, nitrate, polyphenols, oxalate, and saponins are in cassava.
It may reduce nutrient bioavailability depending on the amount consumed; however, some compounds also act as anticarcinogens and antioxidants.
In processing cassava flour, the roots are peeled and grated. Prolonged soaking the gratings in water to allow leaching and fermentation, then cutting the roots into small pieces, soaking and boiling in water, is especially effective in reducing the cyanide content and other antinutrients in cassava.
Cassava flour and cassava-based products with adequate processing are safe to use.
How Many Oxalates Does Cassava Flour Have
Cassava flour has 6.3 mg soluble oxalate per 1/2 c and 73.8 mg total oxalate per 1/2 c, while total oxalate concentration was 495.6 mg/100 g in sweet potatoes.
Oxalate is a byproduct of vitamin C breakdown. Avoid high doses of Vitamin C and supplementation to a minimum.
Surprisingly, most starches are low in oxalate (though derived from high oxalate whole foods), just as oils are low in oxalate, which means that starches are our best friends when it comes to cooking!
Most starches like cassava are low in oxalate and can be used in place of flour in baked goods to produce a lighter, fluffier result.
- A calcium-rich diet reduces the amount of oxalate absorbed by your body, making stones less likely to form. Additionally, our beneficial bacteria digest oxalic acid and facilitate its excretion in stool.
- Increase your fluid intake to aid in the removal of oxalate from your system.
- Cooking also reduces oxalate content in vegetables.

What Are Nightshades
White (but not sweet) potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, and peppers, both the eye-watering chillies and the sweeter bell peppers, are all members of the Solanaceae family.
The list of edible nightshade plants also includes pepper-based spices such as paprika, red pepper flakes, and cayenne pepper (although black pepper is a different plant).
The accumulated wisdom of traditional gardeners and Guilt by association makes for a plausible theory, but there is simply no evidence that nightshades are harmful to most healthy people.
On the other hand, they may be detrimental to people whose guts and immune systems are already compromised, particularly those suffering from an autoimmune disease.
While nightshades are harmless to the vast majority of people, they can cause severe problems for anyone suffering from an autoimmune disease, as well as some people who have a digestive sensitivity to them.
Autoimmunity And Nightshades: Vitamin D
The best evidence for nightshades’ health risks is linked to arthritis and joint pain, particularly the autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis.
One theory revolving around Vitamin D studies shows that nightshade vegetables cause various joint and bone problems, owing to how the animals’ bodies process the form of Vitamin D found in nightshade vegetables.
Vitamin D is necessary for proper bone formation. Still, the highly potent form of Vitamin D3 found in nightshade vegetables prevents adequate calcium metabolism, causing the body to deposit calcium in soft tissue rather than bones.
In animals, this results in excruciatingly painful arthritis and joint inflammation
On the other hand, humans do not metabolize vitamin D as cows and horses do. Animal studies aren’t always applicable to humans:
Avocados, for example, are toxic to dogs but perfectly safe for humans. So, while animal evidence is intriguing, it does not prove that humans will suffer in the same way.
Is Nightshade Allowed In The Paleo Diet
The paleo autoimmune diet forbids the consumption of nightshade vegetables. Some spices, like paprika, contain alkaloids that exacerbate inflammation.
So eliminating nightshades may aid in the reduction of inflammation in patients.
Wheat, soy, dairy, eggs, processed foods, and sugar are among the foods that are most likely to cause an inflammatory reaction.
The harmful bacteria in our gut feed on sugar, so cutting out legumes and starches that spike blood sugar can help by lowering sugar fluctuations.
Bacterial overgrowth, particularly yeast overgrowth, can cause inflammation in susceptible individuals.
Concentrate on carbs high in resistant starch, which does not break down but ferments in the colon.
Is Cassava Flour Nightshade
Cassava is not a nightshade plant, which includes potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant.
Nightshade is a group of food and spices that contain alkaloids, which are chemical compounds. Solanine, a chemical found in nightshade foods, is thought to aggravate arthritis pain or inflammation.
Specialized diets, such as the elimination diet, can assist people in determining whether bloating and inflammation are caused by something else, such as alcohol consumption.
What Does Cassava Do To Your Body
Cassava is a calorie-dense vegetable high in carbohydrates as well as essential vitamins and minerals. Cassava is high in fibre, which is beneficial to the digestive system.
Which is one of the reasons cassava flour is allowed on the paleo diet
It has four grams of fibre per cup in its complete form and 3.7g in its flour form. Cassava contains vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Cassava is helpful to active people; you get your energy source from a healthy fuel.
If you’re watching your weight, cassava flour is a good choice because it has fewer calories than other flours. It’s high in vitamin C, an antioxidant to help relieve stress, boost immunity, and improve your skin’s health.
Cassava flour is low in fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Its high fiber content promotes digestive health.
Final Thought
Cassava flour, a paleo certified flour, is by nature anti-inflammatory and keeps your immune system strong, so you effectively prevent and heal inflammatory conditions.
It is a Paleo flour that is versatile and high in nutrients. This grain-free, gluten-free, and nut-free flour has been dubbed the “nearest gluten-free flour to white flour.”
Also, cassava flour apart from being allowed on a paleo diet, it is with the bonus of being AIP-Paleo compatible (which almond flour is not). Cassava flour is white and refined, and when you pour it from the bag, it puffs up.
Access the best cassava flour in the market at Jeb Foods Gluten-free, Grain-free, Nut-free Cassava Flour